23 April 2010


“Boss, I come to you to submit my resignation letter.”
“Why do you want to resign? Don’t you like it here?”
“I love it here. I'm grateful to have a boss like you. But I need to take care of my soul for a while.”
“What happened to your soul?”
“She’s in jeopardy, drifting away on a river that runs fast to some place I know nothing about.”
“Don’t worry. Every river runs to a sea. Let her have her journey.”
“I’m afraid she can’t swim. I need to save her quickly.”
“She doesn’t have to swim, dear. The river will guide her as she’s drifting away to the ocean.”
“And what will I do here without my soul?”
“Just do what you have to do. There are deadlines to meet.”
“I’m missing her already.”
“You’ll be seeing her soon, when her fate is fulfilled.”

Antena, 22 April 2010/23.41
Shortly after paused reading Eleven Minutes at page 74.


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