08 July 2011

Angry and Healthy

Me : “Mr. Hulk, teach me how to be angry like you.”
Hulk : “Why would you want that? I myself dislike it when I’m angry.”
Me : “I think it’s healthier, the way you angry. You unleash a power within. Bad power though, but it’s awfully expressive. Ough, I envy that, such a style of releasing anger.”
Hulk : “You know what, dear? You want to be healthier? Keep drinking that carrot-tomato pulp juice you usually drink every afternoon. Plus, eat GREEN vegetables, a lot. I mean: A LOT.”

After watching Hulk on TV about an hour ago, for I don’t know how many times. Hey, don’t blame it on me. Blame it on the gorgeous Jennifer Connely, OK? She’s my queen after Dolores.


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