26 March 2005

Midnight Song

by John Mayer

lock all the doors
and turn out the lights
feels like the end of the world
this sunday night

there's not a sound
outside the snow's coming down
somehow, I can't seem to find
the quiet inside my mind

the space in this room has turned on me
all my fears have cornered me here
me and my TV screen

the volume's down
blue lights are dancing around
and still, I can't seem to find
the quiet inside my mind

daylight is climbing the walls
cars start and feet walk the halls
the world wakes
and now I am safe
at least by the light of day
at least by the light of day


bisa nggak kamu cari kuncinya?
ntar kamu ngamen di depanku, pake gitar nyanyiin lagu itu, sambil kita ngobrol di balkon rumahmu yang ada tempat jemurannya itu, lengkap dengan teh manis hangat, dan kaccccang rebusssss!!! hweeeeeehehehe... I can hardly wait!
20 hari lagi aku ke Bandung. semoga batukmu cepet sembuh.

miss you...
so good :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah senangnya bakal ketemu satria bergitar :)


28 March, 2005 16:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sus, tulisanmu bagus dan puitis cieeeeee...anyway, siapa sih yang di-miss-in? can i know?

19 April, 2005 09:42  
Blogger suss said...

Wadoh, sodara-sodara... ini absolutely a different kind of miss loh, dan dia bukan pacar or gebetan or something like that. Sementara ini lagi kapok dulu ah dengan urusan semacam itu :( But he is trully a beautiful person.

20 April, 2005 03:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

duh susy jangan kapok ah....Insya Allah yang terbaik pasti akan datang..

20 April, 2005 16:17  

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