29 May 2012

Simple life

"Katakan, apa yang kamu suka dari hidupmu sekarang?”
“Kokok ayam dini hari. Pasar pagi. Wangi margarin meleleh di penggorengan. Melati jatuh dari tangkai. Menyirami kebun kecil di loteng tiap sore. Dan segelas teh hangat sesudahnya.”

19 May 2012


Hey, aku udah nyampe nih di kotamu yang menakjubkan itu.
Hayyyah. Pagi2 udah ngegombal gagal. Ini lagi di mananya?
Lagi ngeteh bentar di markas B2W. Aku titip sepeda di sini aja.
Hah? Jadinya kamu ke sini pake sepeda???
Iya :)
Orang gila.
Berapa jam ituuuu???
17 jam :D
Kamu gilaaaa haha...  Ah ini lagi, di radio pas banget lagi muter lagu Kahitna yang itu.
Oh... jauh... sekali... rumahmu... Haha.
Tepat! Haha. Ya udah cepetan sini.
Ntar pijitin ya.

Seminggu lalu Ayra iseng memasang status: Kangen jalan kaki sehabis hujan. Yang lamaaaaaaa... dan jauuuuhhhh. Ia tentu tidak pernah menyangka bahwa kalimat sependek itu bisa menggerakkan seseorang dari masa enam tahun lalu untuk datang padanya, 7 minggu kemudian, dengan kaki.

Tepat pukul 7.07 pagi. Ayra sudah siap dijemput. Celana jeans, kaus putih, sepatu kets, dan tas selempang kecil. Ada dompet suede hijau di dalam tas, dua bungkus coklat Chacha, dan tak lupa si Kris, botol minum ungu kesayangannya. Sambil menunggu, Ayra mengambil telepon genggam, membuka fitur notes, lalu mulai mengetuk-ngetuk layar HP dengan jempolnya. Dengan apakah seseorang mendekat? Dengan kaki. Sesederhana itu.

15 May 2012


Just think.
What did you ever do to deserve my forgiveness?
And why the hell did I forgive you anyway?
It’s not because of you.
It’s not because of me.
It's not because of love either.
Just think.

(The man sits still, silenced, eyes to the ground. The woman looks up to the deep purple sky, stares far into the bright blue star. Still they hold each other’s hands. And the mountain is so calm and quiet.)

14 May 2012

di sini

hujan gerimis dini hari.
lembut. pelan.

negeri ujung

11 May 2012


Papaya is always something.
A year ago Ayra instantly fell in love to a delicate papaya body butter with a scent so daaaaamn sweet that she could dance in trance everytime she uses it after bath. She would insanely smear every part of her body with the new addiction. She fell in love ever since and the next thing she knew was that she couldn’t help herself from buying another container, and another container, and another container... She did. And she’s happy with that.

Other time, she recalled a short conversation she had about two years ago with her caring dentist sister.
“What is it that you really want? Don’t you want to be married like me too? Mind your age, honey. I say this not to push you or anything. I care about you, you know.”
“I know, dear sister. I know... I just think that marriage is something that can only happen at the right time. You cannot rush it. It’s like the need to excrete the faeces in your belly. If it’s not the time, it won’t come out, even if you sit in that closet for hours.”
“Well then eat some papayas!”

Two days ago Ayra went to a morning market like usual, something she always loves to do. She bought some vegetables and a papaya, an ordinary papaya like any other papaya in any part of the world. It weighed a kilogram and she paid merely five thousand rupiah for the fruit. But it was not until afternoon that she cut the papaya into half, and voila...Such an astonishment she was granted. She smiled. The papaya brought up her brightest smile that day. Then she came to me who was busy gardening in the loft.
 “Look. I say it’s my star fruit!,” she said, with that brightest smile still illuminating her face.

If my eyes were able to speak, I believe they would say that it’s just too beautiful, too amazing, too simple yet too perfect. I knew I wouldn’t have a heart to cut it into pieces, let alone eating it.
But Ayra did. And she’s happy with that.